macOS 13でTTS(Text To Speech)キャラクタが追加され、日本語環境では各種読み上げ機能で「O-Ren」(女性)と「Hattori」(男性)というSiriの音声が使えるようになりました。
macOS 13の「システム設定」(Systemの「アクセシビリティ」>「読み上げコンテンツ」で、「システムの声」(TTS読み上げキャラクタ)を選択、追加できるわけですが……
{"Kyoko", "Kyoko(拡張)", "Otoya", "Otoya(拡張)"}
などと結果が返ってくるものの、”Kyoko(拡張)”, “Otoya(拡張)”をsayコマンドで指定するとエラーになります。
say "こんにちは" using "Kyoko(拡張)" --> AppleScript Execution Error
AppleScript名:TTS Voiceを言語で抽出.scpt |
— Created 2017-03-28 by Takaaki Naganoya — 2017 Piyomaru Software use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit" set aLoc to (current application’s NSLocale’s currentLocale()’s identifier()) as string –> "ja_JP" set vList to getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage(aLoc) of me –> {"Kyoko", "Otoya"}–macOS 12まで –> {"Kyoko", "Kyoko(拡張)", "Otoya", "Otoya(拡張)"}–macOS 13 on getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage(voiceLang) set outArray to current application’s NSMutableArray’s new() set aList to current application’s NSSpeechSynthesizer’s availableVoices() set bList to aList as list repeat with i in bList set j to contents of i set aDIc to (current application’s NSSpeechSynthesizer’s attributesForVoice:j) (outArray’s addObject:aDIc) end repeat set aPredicate to current application’s NSPredicate’s predicateWithFormat_("VoiceLocaleIdentifier == %@", voiceLang) set filteredArray to outArray’s filteredArrayUsingPredicate:aPredicate set aResList to (filteredArray’s valueForKey:"VoiceName") as list return aResList end getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage |
TTS Voiceの環境に合わせて何かこれらのTTS Voiceのファミリー名称などを返すようにしないとダメなのかも???
AppleScript名:TTS Voiceを言語で抽出 v2.scpt |
— Created 2017-03-28 by Takaaki Naganoya — Modified 2022-11-12 by Takaaki Naganoya — 2022 Piyomaru Software use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit" set aLoc to (current application’s NSLocale’s currentLocale()’s identifier()) as string –> "ja_JP" set vList to getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage(aLoc) of me –> {"Kyoko", "Otoya"}–macOS 12まで –> {"Kyoko", "Otoya"}–macOS 13 on getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage(voiceLang) set outArray to current application’s NSMutableArray’s new() set aList to current application’s NSSpeechSynthesizer’s availableVoices() set bList to aList as list repeat with i in bList set j to contents of i set aDIc to (current application’s NSSpeechSynthesizer’s attributesForVoice:j) (outArray’s addObject:aDIc) end repeat set aPredicate to current application’s NSPredicate’s predicateWithFormat_("VoiceLocaleIdentifier == %@", voiceLang) set filteredArray to outArray’s filteredArrayUsingPredicate:aPredicate set aResList to (filteredArray’s valueForKey:"VoiceNameRoot") –Voice Rootを取得 –要素をユニーク化 set theSet to current application’s NSOrderedSet’s orderedSetWithArray:aResList return (theSet’s array()) as list end getTTSVoiceNameWithLanguage |