— – Created by: Takaaki Naganoya – Created on: 2024/12/02 — – Copyright © 2024 Piyomaru Software, All Rights Reserved —
use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation"
tell application "Numbers" tell front document tell active sheet try set theTable to first table whose class of selection range is range on error return "" –何も選択されてなかった場合 end try –セルを選択中の表を処理する tell theTable set headR to header row count set headC to header column count set rowC to count every row set colC to count every column repeat with y from (headR + 1) to (rowC) –1行分(ヘッダーカラムをのぞく)のデータを1D Listで取得 set tmpRangeStr to numAdrToColumnEncode(headC + 1) of AddressEncoder & (y as string) & ":" & numAdrToColumnEncode(colC) of AddressEncoder & (y as string) set tValList to value of cells of range tmpRangeStr –1D Listから値が連続している区間を求める set sameBlock to detectSameValueRepeatationBlockIn1DArray(tValList) of detectRepeatation –連続区間でループ repeat with i in sameBlock copy i to {startX, endX} –データ内の項目Indexであることに留意 –重複値のセルをクリアする(初出セルの値は残す) repeat with ii from (startX + 1) to endX set value of cell (ii + headC) of row y to "" end repeat –重複していたセルをマージする set mRangeStr to numAdrToColumnEncode(headC + startX) of AddressEncoder & (y as string) & ":" & numAdrToColumnEncode(headC + endX) of AddressEncoder & (y as string) set mRange to range mRangeStr merge mRange end repeat end repeat end tell end tell end tell end tell
script detectRepeatation property parent : AppleScript use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" –巨大なデータの処理に向いていないかも? on detectSameValueRepeatationBlockIn1DArray(aList) set dList to returnDuplicatesOnly(aList) of me –> {"年間仕様", "YP仕様", "月間仕様"} set anArray to current application’s NSMutableArray’s arrayWithArray:aList anArray’s addObject:"" set resList to {} repeat with i in dList set j to contents of i set anIndex to (anArray’s indexOfObject:j) repeat with ii from (anIndex + 1) to ((length of aList)) set jj to (anArray’s objectAtIndex:ii) as string if jj is not equal to j then set the end of resList to {anIndex + 1, ii} exit repeat end if end repeat end repeat resList –> {{4, 6}, {7, 9}, {10, 17}} end detectSameValueRepeatationBlockIn1DArray on returnDuplicatesOnly(aList) set countedSet to current application’s NSCountedSet’s alloc()’s initWithArray:aList set simpleSet to current application’s NSSet’s setWithArray:aList countedSet’s minusSet:simpleSet return countedSet’s allObjects() as list end returnDuplicatesOnly end script
script AddressEncoder property parent : AppleScript –10進数数値をExcel 2004/2008的カラム表現にエンコードするサブルーチン(エンコード範囲:1~1351) on numAdrToColumnEncode(origNum) if origNum > 1351 then error "エラー:Numbersのカラム表現(A1形式)への変換ルーチンにおいて、想定範囲外(1351以上)のパラメータが指定されました" end if set upperDigitEncTable to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "A"} set lowerDigitEncTable to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "A"} set oNum to origNum set nTh to 26 set stringLength to 4 –数字が1桁の場合の対応 if origNum < 27 then set aRes to (item origNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string return aRes end if if origNum > 702 then –3桁になる場合 set upupNum to oNum div 676 –整数除算–上の上の桁 set oNum to oNum – (upupNum * 676) set upNum to oNum div 26 –整数除算–上の桁 set lowNum to oNum mod 26 – 1 –余剰計算–下の桁 –つじつま合わせ処理 【強引】 if lowNum = -1 then set upNum to upNum – 1 set lowNum to 25 end if set upupChar to (item upupNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set upChar to (item upNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set lowChar to (item (lowNum + 1) of lowerDigitEncTable) as string set resText to upupChar & upChar & lowChar else –2桁の場合 set upNum to oNum div 26 –整数除算–上の桁 set lowNum to oNum mod 26 – 1 –余剰計算–下の桁 –つじつま合わせ処理 【強引】 if lowNum = -1 then set upNum to upNum – 1 set lowNum to 25 end if set upChar to (item upNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set lowChar to (item (lowNum + 1) of lowerDigitEncTable) as string set resText to upChar & lowChar end if return resText end numAdrToColumnEncode –Numbersの横方向アドレス(A~Zの26進数)文字列を10進数に変換 on colAddrToNumDecode(origStr) return aNthToDecimal(origStr, {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}) of me end colAddrToNumDecode –n進数文字列を10進数に変換する on aNthToDecimal(origStr, nTh) set resNumber to 0 set sList to reverse of (characters of origStr) set aLen to length of nTh set digitCount to 0 repeat with i in sList set j to contents of i set aRes to offsetInList(j, nTh) of me set resNumber to resNumber + (aLen ^ digitCount) * aRes set digitCount to digitCount + 1 end repeat return resNumber as integer end aNthToDecimal on offsetInList(aChar, aList) set anArray to NSArray’s arrayWithArray:aList set aInd to (anArray’s indexOfObject:aChar) if aInd = current application’s NSNotFound or (aInd as number) > 9.99999999E+8 then error "Invalid Character Error" else return (aInd as integer) + 1 –0 to 1 based index conversion end if end offsetInList end script