— Created 2018-02-27 by Takaaki Naganoya — 2018 Piyomaru Software use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit"
property NSColor : a reference to current application’s NSColor
–Crayon Picker Color Data set crayonPickerList to {{0, 0, 0}, {6425, 6425, 6425}, {13107, 13107, 13107}, {19532, 19532, 19532}, {26214, 26214, 26214}, {32639, 32639, 32639}, {32896, 32896, 32896}, {39321, 39321, 39321}, {46003, 46003, 46003}, {52428, 52428, 52428}, {59110, 59110, 59110}, {65535, 65535, 65535}, ¬ {32896, 0, 0}, {32896, 16448, 0}, {32896, 32896, 0}, {16448, 32896, 0}, {0, 32896, 0}, {0, 32896, 16448}, {0, 32896, 32896}, {0, 16448, 32896}, {0, 0, 32896}, {16448, 0, 32896}, {32896, 0, 32896}, {32896, 0, 16448}, ¬ {65535, 0, 0}, {65535, 32896, 0}, {65535, 65535, 0}, {32896, 65535, 0}, {0, 65535, 0}, {0, 65535, 32896}, {0, 65535, 65535}, {0, 32896, 65535}, {0, 0, 65535}, {32896, 0, 65535}, {65535, 0, 65535}, {65535, 0, 32896}, ¬ {65535, 26214, 26214}, {65535, 52428, 26214}, {65535, 65535, 26214}, {52428, 65535, 26214}, {26214, 65535, 26214}, {26214, 65535, 52428}, {26214, 65535, 65535}, {26214, 52428, 65535}, {26214, 26214, 65535}, {52428, 26214, 65535}, {65535, 26214, 65535}, {65535, 28527, 53199} ¬ }
tell application "Keynote" activate set newDoc to make new document with properties {document theme:theme "ホワイト"} — theme name is *Localized*. This is "White" in Japanese tell window 1 –set {x1, y1, x2, y2} to bounds set bounds to {0, 0, 1500, 900} end tell tell newDoc set blankSlide to master slide "空白" –master slide name is *Localized*. This is "Blank" in Japanese tell slide 1 set base slide to blankSlide delete every table set tRes to make new table tell tRes set row count to 12 set column count to 8 set background color of every cell to {65535, 65535, 65535} set header column count to 0 set header row count to 0 set footer row count to 0 repeat with i from 0 to (length of crayonPickerList) – 1 set a1Num to (i mod 12) + 1 set b1Num to ((i div 12) + 1) * 2 – 1 set b2Num to b1Num + 1 set aCol to contents of item (i + 1) of crayonPickerList tell column b1Num tell cell a1Num ignoring application responses set background color to aCol end ignoring end tell end tell —————————————————————————————————– copy aCol to {rCol, gCol, bCol} set aColor to makeNSColorFromRGBAval(rCol, gCol, bCol, 65535, 65535) of me set cdnStr to retColorIsRedOrBlueFromNSColor(aColor) of me –red, blue, other —————————————————————————————————– if cdnStr = "red" then set textCol to {65535, 0, 0} else if cdnStr = "blue" then set textCol to {0, 0, 65535} else set textCol to {0, 0, 0} end if tell column b2Num tell cell a1Num ignoring application responses set value to cdnStr set text color to textCol end ignoring end tell end tell end repeat end tell end tell end tell end tell
on retColorIsRedOrBlueFromNSColor(aColor) set aColDomain to retColorDomainNameFromNSColor(aColor) of me if aColDomain is in {"magenta", "purple", "orange", "red"} then return "red" else if aColDomain is in {"green", "cyan", "blue"} then return "blue" else return "other" end if end retColorIsRedOrBlueFromNSColor
on retColorDomainNameFromNSColor(aCol) set hueVal to aCol’s hueComponent() set satVal to aCol’s saturationComponent() set brightVal to aCol’s brightnessComponent() if satVal ≤ 0.01 then set satVal to 0.0 set colName to "" if satVal = 0.0 then if brightVal ≤ 0.2 then set colName to "black" else if (brightVal > 0.95) then set colName to "white" else set colName to "gray" end if else if hueVal ≤ (15.0 / 360) or hueVal ≥ (330 / 360) then set colName to "red" else if hueVal ≤ (45.0 / 360) then set colName to "orange" else if hueVal < (70.0 / 360) then set colName to "yellow" else if hueVal < (150.0 / 360) then set colName to "green" else if hueVal < (190.0 / 360) then set colName to "cyan" else if (hueVal < 250.0 / 360.0) then set colName to "blue" else if (hueVal < 290.0 / 360.0) then set colName to "purple" else set colName to "magenta" end if end if return colName end retColorDomainNameFromNSColor
on makeNSColorFromRGBAval(redValue as integer, greenValue as integer, blueValue as integer, alphaValue as integer, aMaxVal as integer) set aRedCocoa to (redValue / aMaxVal) as real set aGreenCocoa to (greenValue / aMaxVal) as real set aBlueCocoa to (blueValue / aMaxVal) as real set aAlphaCocoa to (alphaValue / aMaxVal) as real set aColor to NSColor’s colorWithCalibratedRed:aRedCocoa green:aGreenCocoa blue:aBlueCocoa alpha:aAlphaCocoa return aColor end makeNSColorFromRGBAval