Pages用のScriptをごく一部修正してNumbersの表に対して処理できるようにしてみました。macOS 10.11, 10.12, 10.13ではスクリプトエディタ上で動作します。macOS 10.14ではSIPを解除してスクリプトエディタで動かすか、アプレット形式で書き出して、アプレットのバンドル中にdbColNamesKit.frameworkを入れると動きます。
Script DebuggerとScript Menu上では動作しません。
–> dbColNamesKit.framework (To ~/Library/Frameworks)
AppleScript名:Numbers書類の現在のシート上の表1の背景色を置換 v1 |
— Created 2019-01-29 by Takaaki Naganoya — 2019 Piyomaru Software use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit" use framework "dbColNamesKit" – use Bplus : script "BridgePlus" – –v1:Change Pages part to Numbers property NSView : a reference to current application’s NSView property NSColor : a reference to current application’s NSColor property NSArray : a reference to current application’s NSArray property NSMenu : a reference to current application’s NSMenu property NSImage : a reference to current application’s NSImage property NSScreen : a reference to current application’s NSScreen property NSButton : a reference to current application’s NSButton property NSWindow : a reference to current application’s NSWindow property NSTextField : a reference to current application’s NSTextField property NSMenuItem : a reference to current application’s NSMenuItem property NSBezierPath : a reference to current application’s NSBezierPath property NSPopUpButton : a reference to current application’s NSPopUpButton property NSWindowController : a reference to current application’s NSWindowController property NSTitledWindowMask : a reference to current application’s NSTitledWindowMask property NSRoundedBezelStyle : a reference to current application’s NSRoundedBezelStyle property NSFloatingWindowLevel : a reference to current application’s NSFloatingWindowLevel property NSBackingStoreBuffered : a reference to current application’s NSBackingStoreBuffered property NSMomentaryLightButton : a reference to current application’s NSMomentaryLightButton property windisp : true property wController : missing value property pop1ind : 1 –初期化 set (my windisp) to true set (my pop1ind) to 1 load framework –Pagesの1ページ目にある表の塗り色を取得 tell application "Numbers" tell front document tell active sheet tell table 1 set c1List to background color of every cell set aProp to properties set xCount to column count of aProp end tell end tell end tell end tell –Convert 1D List to 2D List set c3List to (current application’s SMSForder’s subarraysFrom:c1List groupedBy:xCount |error|:(missing value)) as list –色データをユニーク化(重複削除) set bList to uniquifyList(c1List) of me –missing value(背景色なし)を除外する set c2List to (current application’s SMSForder’s arrayByDeletingBlanksIn:(bList)) as list –Popup Menuで置換色選択 set paramObj to {c2List, 65535, "OK", "Select Target Color", 180} –Timeout = 180 sec, Color val range = 16bit my performSelectorOnMainThread:"getPopupValues:" withObject:(paramObj) waitUntilDone:true if pop1ind = false then return –timed out set fromCol to (contents of item pop1ind of c2List) –カラーピッカーで置換色選択 set tCol to choose color default color fromCol set d1 to current date –実際に表の背景色を置換する set hitList to findDataFrom2DList(fromCol, c3List) of me –データ上で当該色のセル情報を計算する –Rangeを横スキャンと縦スキャンの2通りで試算(Two way Simulation) set rList1 to retRangeFromPosListHorizontal(hitList) of me –横方向へのrange評価 set rList2 to retRangeFromPosListVertival(hitList) of me –縦方向へのrange評価 –Simulationの結果、要素数の少ない方(=処理時間の短い方=高速な方)を採用する if (length of rList1) < (length of rList2) then copy rList1 to rangeList else copy rList2 to rangeList end if tell application "Numbers" activate tell front document tell active sheet tell table 1 repeat with i in rangeList set j to contents of i ignoring application responses –非同期実行モードで高速実行 set background color of range j to tCol end ignoring end repeat end tell end tell end tell end tell set d2 to current date return d2 – d1 –カラーポップアップメニューをウィンドウ表示 on getPopupValues:paramObj copy (paramObj as list) to {ap1List, aColMax, aButtonMSG, aSliderValMSG, timeOutSecs} set (my windisp) to true set aView to NSView’s alloc()’s initWithFrame:(current application’s NSMakeRect(0, 0, 360, 100)) –Labelをつくる set a1TF to NSTextField’s alloc()’s initWithFrame:(current application’s NSMakeRect(30, 60, 80, 20)) a1TF’s setEditable:false a1TF’s setStringValue:"Color:" a1TF’s setDrawsBackground:false a1TF’s setBordered:false –Ppopup Buttonをつくる set a1Button to NSPopUpButton’s alloc()’s initWithFrame:(current application’s NSMakeRect(80, 60, 200, 20)) pullsDown:false a1Button’s removeAllItems() set a1Menu to NSMenu’s alloc()’s init() set aCDB to current application’s DBColorNames’s alloc()’s init() set iCount to 1 repeat with i in ap1List copy i to {r1, g1, b1} set nsCol to makeNSColorFromRGBAval(r1, g1, b1, aColMax, aColMax) of me set anImage to makeRoundedNSImageWithFilledWithColor(64, 64, nsCol, 4) of me set aTitle to "#" & (iCount as string) & " " & (aCDB’s nameForColor:nsCol) as string set aMenuItem to (NSMenuItem’s alloc()’s initWithTitle:aTitle action:"actionHandler:" keyEquivalent:"") (aMenuItem’s setImage:anImage) (aMenuItem’s setEnabled:true) (a1Menu’s addItem:aMenuItem) set iCount to iCount + 1 end repeat a1Button’s setMenu:a1Menu –Buttonをつくる set bButton to (NSButton’s alloc()’s initWithFrame:(current application’s NSMakeRect(80, 10, 140, 40))) bButton’s setButtonType:(NSMomentaryLightButton) bButton’s setBezelStyle:(NSRoundedBezelStyle) bButton’s setTitle:aButtonMSG bButton’s setTarget:me bButton’s setAction:("clicked:") bButton’s setKeyEquivalent:(return) aView’s addSubview:a1TF aView’s addSubview:a1Button aView’s addSubview:bButton aView’s setNeedsDisplay:true –NSWindowControllerを作ってみた(いらない?) set aWin to (my makeWinWithView(aView, 300, 100, aSliderValMSG)) set wController to NSWindowController’s alloc() wController’s initWithWindow:aWin wController’s showWindow:me set aCount to timeOutSecs * 100 set hitF to false repeat aCount times if (my windisp) = false then set hitF to true exit repeat end if delay 0.01 set aCount to aCount – 1 end repeat my closeWin:aWin if hitF = true then set s1Val to ((a1Button’s indexOfSelectedItem() as number) + 1) else set s1Val to false end if copy s1Val to my pop1ind end getPopupValues: on clicked:aSender set (my windisp) to false end clicked: –make Window for Display on makeWinWithView(aView, aWinWidth as integer, aWinHeight as integer, aTitle as string) set aScreen to NSScreen’s mainScreen() set aFrame to {{0, 0}, {aWinWidth, aWinHeight}} set aBacking to NSTitledWindowMask set aDefer to NSBackingStoreBuffered — Window set aWin to NSWindow’s alloc() (aWin’s initWithContentRect:aFrame styleMask:aBacking backing:aDefer defer:false screen:aScreen) aWin’s setTitle:aTitle aWin’s setDelegate:me aWin’s setDisplaysWhenScreenProfileChanges:true aWin’s setHasShadow:true aWin’s setIgnoresMouseEvents:false aWin’s setLevel:(NSFloatingWindowLevel) aWin’s setOpaque:false aWin’s setReleasedWhenClosed:true aWin’s |center|() aWin’s setContentView:aView return aWin end makeWinWithView –close win on closeWin:aWindow repeat with n from 10 to 1 by -1 (aWindow’s setAlphaValue:n / 10) delay 0.02 end repeat aWindow’s |close|() end closeWin: –Popup Action Handler on actionHandler:sender set aTag to tag of sender as integer set aTitle to title of sender as string end actionHandler: –aMaxValを最大値とする数値でNSColorを作成して返す on makeNSColorFromRGBAval(redValue as integer, greenValue as integer, blueValue as integer, alphaValue as integer, aMaxVal as integer) set aRedCocoa to (redValue / aMaxVal) as real set aGreenCocoa to (greenValue / aMaxVal) as real set aBlueCocoa to (blueValue / aMaxVal) as real set aAlphaCocoa to (alphaValue / aMaxVal) as real set aColor to NSColor’s colorWithCalibratedRed:aRedCocoa green:aGreenCocoa blue:aBlueCocoa alpha:aAlphaCocoa return aColor end makeNSColorFromRGBAval –指定サイズのNSImageを作成し、指定色で塗ってNSImageで返す on makeNSImageWithFilledWithColor(aWidth as integer, aHeight as integer, fillColor) set anImage to NSImage’s alloc()’s initWithSize:(current application’s NSMakeSize(aWidth, aHeight)) anImage’s lockFocus() — set theRect to {{x:0, y:0}, {height:aHeight, width:aWidth}} set theNSBezierPath to NSBezierPath’s bezierPath theNSBezierPath’s appendBezierPathWithRect:theRect — fillColor’s |set|() –色設定 theNSBezierPath’s fill() –ぬりつぶし — anImage’s unlockFocus() — return anImage end makeNSImageWithFilledWithColor –指定サイズのNSImageを作成し、指定色で塗ってNSImageで返す、anRadiusの半径の角丸で on makeRoundedNSImageWithFilledWithColor(aWidth as integer, aHeight as integer, fillColor, anRadius as real) set anImage to NSImage’s alloc()’s initWithSize:(current application’s NSMakeSize(aWidth, aHeight)) anImage’s lockFocus() — set theRect to {{x:0, y:0}, {height:aHeight, width:aWidth}} set theNSBezierPath to NSBezierPath’s bezierPathWithRoundedRect:theRect xRadius:anRadius yRadius:anRadius — fillColor’s |set|() –色設定 theNSBezierPath’s fill() –ぬりつぶし — anImage’s unlockFocus() return anImage end makeRoundedNSImageWithFilledWithColor on uniquifyList(aList as list) set aArray to NSArray’s arrayWithArray:aList set bArray to aArray’s valueForKeyPath:"@distinctUnionOfObjects.self" return bArray as list end uniquifyList on findDataFrom2DList(anItem, aList as list) script spd property aList : {} property resList : {} end script set (aList of spd) to aList set (resList of spd) to {} set yCount to 1 repeat with i in (aList of spd) set aResList to (Bplus’s indexesOfItem:anItem inList:i inverting:false) as list set tmpList to {} if aResList is not equal to {} then repeat with ii in aResList set jj to contents of ii set the end of tmpList to {jj, yCount} end repeat set (resList of spd) to (resList of spd) & tmpList end if set yCount to yCount + 1 end repeat return (resList of spd) –return {{x, y}…..} item list (1-based) end findDataFrom2DList on retRangeFromPosListVertival(posList as list) script rangeSPD property posList2 : {} end script –縦方向へのrange評価に都合がいいようにソート set (posList2 of rangeSPD) to shellSortListAscending(posList, {1, 2}) of me –先頭データをピックアップ set firstData to first item of (posList2 of rangeSPD) set (posList2 of rangeSPD) to rest of (posList2 of rangeSPD) copy firstData to {curX1, curY1} set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) & ":" set tmpRange to {} set hitF to false set outList to {} repeat with i in (posList2 of rangeSPD) copy i to {tmpX, tmpY} –log {"{curX1, curY1}", {curX1, curY1}} –log {"{tmpX, tmpY}", {tmpX, tmpY}} if (curX1 = tmpX) and (curY1 + 1 = tmpY) then –Y方向への連続値を拾っている最中 if hitF = false then –log "case 1a" –log {"hitF", hitF} set hitF to true else –log "case 1b" –log {"hitF", hitF} –横に連続しているブロックの途中 end if else –直前の値と連続していない if hitF = false then –log "case 2a" –log {"hitF", hitF} set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(tmpX) of me & (tmpY as string) & ":" set hitF to false else –log "case 2b" –log {"hitF", hitF} –連続ブロックの末尾を拾った set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(tmpX) of me & (tmpY as string) & ":" set hitF to false –log {"tmpRangeStr", tmpRangeStr} end if end if copy {tmpX, tmpY} to {curX1, curY1} end repeat –log {tmpRangeStr, hitF} if (hitF = true) or (tmpRangeStr is not equal to "") then set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr end if return outList end retRangeFromPosListVertival on retRangeFromPosListHorizontal(posList as list) script rangeSPD property posList2 : {} end script copy posList to (posList2 of rangeSPD) –先頭データをピックアップ set firstData to first item of (posList2 of rangeSPD) set (posList2 of rangeSPD) to rest of (posList2 of rangeSPD) copy firstData to {curX1, curY1} set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) & ":" set tmpRange to {} set hitF to false set outList to {} repeat with i in (posList2 of rangeSPD) copy i to {tmpX, tmpY} –log {"{curX1, curY1}", {curX1, curY1}} –log {"{tmpX, tmpY}", {tmpX, tmpY}} if (curX1 + 1 = tmpX) and (curY1 = tmpY) then –X方向への連続値を拾っている最中 if hitF = false then –log "case 1a" –log {"hitF", hitF} set hitF to true else –log "case 1b" –log {"hitF", hitF} –横に連続しているブロックの途中 end if else –直前の値と連続していない if hitF = false then –log "case 2a" –log {"hitF", hitF} set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(tmpX) of me & (tmpY as string) & ":" set hitF to false else –log "case 2b" –log {"hitF", hitF} –連続ブロックの末尾を拾った set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr set tmpRangeStr to aNumToExcelColumn(tmpX) of me & (tmpY as string) & ":" set hitF to false –log {"tmpRangeStr", tmpRangeStr} end if end if copy {tmpX, tmpY} to {curX1, curY1} end repeat –log {tmpRangeStr, hitF} if (hitF = true) or (tmpRangeStr is not equal to "") then set tmpRangeStr to tmpRangeStr & aNumToExcelColumn(curX1) of me & (curY1 as string) set the end of outList to tmpRangeStr end if return outList end retRangeFromPosListHorizontal –2008/05/01 By Takaaki Naganoya –10進数数値をExcel 2004/2008的カラム表現にエンコードするサブルーチン を使いまわし –1〜1351までの間であれば正しいエンコーディング結果を返す on aNumToExcelColumn(origNum as integer) if origNum > 1351 then error "エラー:Excel 2004/2008的カラム表現(A1形式)への変換ルーチンにおいて、想定範囲外(1351以上)のパラメータが指定されました" end if set upperDigitEncTable to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "A"} set lowerDigitEncTable to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "A"} set oNum to origNum set nTh to 26 set stringLength to 4 –数字が1桁の場合の対応 if origNum < 27 then set aRes to (item origNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string return aRes end if if origNum > 702 then –3桁になる場合 set upupNum to oNum div 676 –整数除算–上の上の桁 set oNum to oNum – (upupNum * 676) set upNum to oNum div 26 –整数除算–上の桁 set lowNum to oNum mod 26 – 1 –余剰計算–下の桁 –超つじつま合わせ処理 if lowNum = -1 then set upNum to upNum – 1 set lowNum to 25 end if set upupChar to (item upupNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set upChar to (item upNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set lowChar to (item (lowNum + 1) of lowerDigitEncTable) as string set resText to upupChar & upChar & lowChar else –2桁の場合 set upNum to oNum div 26 –整数除算–上の桁 set lowNum to oNum mod 26 – 1 –余剰計算–下の桁 –超つじつま合わせ処理 if lowNum = -1 then set upNum to upNum – 1 set lowNum to 25 end if set upChar to (item upNum of upperDigitEncTable) as string set lowChar to (item (lowNum + 1) of lowerDigitEncTable) as string set resText to upChar & lowChar end if return resText end aNumToExcelColumn –入れ子のリストを昇順ソート on shellSortListAscending(a, keyItem) return sort2DList(a, keyItem, {true}) of me end shellSortListAscending –入れ子のリストを降順ソート on shellSortListDecending(a, keyItem) return sort2DList(a, keyItem, {false}) of me end shellSortListDecending –2D Listをソート on sort2DList(aList as list, sortIndexes as list, sortOrders as list) –index値をAS流(アイテムが1はじまり)からCocoa流(アイテムが0はじまり)に変換 set newIndex to {} repeat with i in sortIndexes set j to contents of i set j to j – 1 set the end of newIndex to j end repeat –Sort TypeのListを作成(あえて外部から指定する内容でもない) set sortTypes to {} repeat (length of sortIndexes) times set the end of sortTypes to "compare:" end repeat –Sort set resList to (current application’s SMSForder’s subarraysIn:(aList) sortedByIndexes:newIndex ascending:sortOrders sortTypes:sortTypes |error|:(missing value)) as list return resList end sort2DList |