指定のAppleScript書類をスクリプトエディタでオープンし、書式情報を読み取ってURLリンク付きのHTML(テキスト)を生成するAppleScriptです。AppleScript Librariesとして他のScriptから呼び出して利用しています。
当初、AppleScriptからスクリプトエディタをコントロールすると不具合が多く、他のAppleScript開発環境(Script Debugger)からの実行を余儀なくされていました。macOS 10.6あたりでずいぶん安定して利用できるようになってきた記憶があります(10.3とか10.4はいま思い出しても辛かった)。
また、「applescript:」のURLリンクでは生成するAppleScript書類のファイル名をあらかじめ指定できるようになっているものの、古いバージョンのmacOS(Mac OS X)ではこの名称指定が仇となってURLリンクが認識されないという問題が発生するため、名称も指定していません。
AppleScript名:asHTMLexportLib |
use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use framework "Foundation" property quotChar : string id 34 property headerCol : "0000CC" –"0000CC" –ヘッダー部分(濃い色) property bodyBackCol : "EEFFFF" –"EEFFFF" –Script本文下地(薄い色) property footerCol : "66FFFF" –"66FFFF" –スクリプトリンク部分 property repMark : "_replacepoint_" on run set aPath to choose file of type {"com.apple.applescript.script", "com.apple.applescript.script-bundle"} set aRes to retScriptHTML(aPath) of me end run on retScriptHTML(aPath) –parameter is alias script spd property TIDsList : {} property dataOut : {} property textList : {} property colorList : {} end script set pName to "com.apple.ScriptEditor2" tell application id pName set asDoc to open aPath tell asDoc –front document set aInfo to properties set curLang to name of language of aInfo –現在のOSA言語の名称を取得する end tell –OSA Language名称をもとに色セットを変更する changeColor(curLang) of me set c to name of asDoc –front document set aF to aPath as string –retMacOSpathList(aPath) of me set contText to getContentsOfFile(asDoc) of me –front document set encText to makeEncodedScript(contText) of me set newLinkText to "applescript://com.apple.scripteditor?action=new&script=" & encText –set insLinkText to "applescript://com.apple.scripteditor?action=insert&script=" & encText –set apndLinkText to "applescript://com.apple.scripteditor?action=append&script=" & encText set comText to description of asDoc –front document set (textList of spd) to getAttributeRunOfFile(asDoc) of me —every attribute run of asDoc –front document set (colorList of spd) to getColorOfAttributeRunOfFile(asDoc) of me —color of every attribute run of asDoc –front document end tell set tabChar to string id 9 set (TIDsList of spd) to {{"\\", "\"}, {"’", "’"}, {"&", "&"}, {">", ">"}, {"<", "<"}, {" ", " "}, {string id 13, "<br>"}, {string id 10, "<br>"}, {"\"", """}} set (dataOut of spd) to {} set iCounter to 1 repeat with i in (textList of spd) set j to contents of i set curDelim to AppleScript’s text item delimiters repeat with eachItem in (TIDsList of spd) set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to contents of item 1 of eachItem set j to every text item of j set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to contents of item 2 of eachItem set j to j as string end repeat set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to curDelim set cText to RBG2HTML(item iCounter of (colorList of spd)) of me set the end of (dataOut of spd) to "<font color=" & cText & ">" & j & "</font>" set iCounter to iCounter + 1 end repeat set htmlHeader to "<table width=" & quotChar & "100%" & quotChar & " border=" & quotChar & "0" & quotChar & "cellspacing=" & quotChar & "2" & quotChar & " cellpadding=" & quotChar & "2" & quotChar & "> <tr> <td bgcolor=\"#" & headerCol & "\"><font color=" & quotChar & "#FFFFFF" & quotChar & ">" & curLang & "名:" & c if comText is not equal to "" then set comText to "<br><font size=" & quotChar & "2" & quotChar & ">【Comment】 " & comText & "</font><br>" end if set htmlHeader2 to "</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor=\"#" & bodyBackCol & "\"><font size=\"3\">" set htmlFooter1 to "</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor=\"#" & footerCol & "\"><p><font size=\"2\"><a href=\"" & newLinkText & "\">★Click Here to Open This Script</a> </font></p> </td> </tr> </table> " set dataText to htmlHeader & comText & htmlHeader2 & ((dataOut of spd) as text) & htmlFooter1 set dataText to dataText as Unicode text tell application id pName close asDoc without saving –close front document without saving end tell return dataText end retScriptHTML on makeEncodedScript(contText) set aList to every paragraph of contText set aClass to class of aList if aClass = list then set aLen to length of aList else set aLen to 1 end if set aaList to {} set delim to AppleScript’s text item delimiters set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to repMark set bList to aList as text set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to delim set aaList to (retURLencodedStrings(bList) of me) as text set search_string to retURLencodedStrings(repMark) of me –"%5Freplacepoint%5F" as text set replacement_string to "%0D" as text set bList to replace_chars(aaList, search_string, replacement_string) of me return bList end makeEncodedScript –RGB値からHTMLの色指定に変換 on RBG2HTML(RGB_values) — NOTE: this sub-routine expects the RBG values to be from 0 to 65536 set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"} set the the hex_value to "" repeat with i from 1 to the count of the RGB_values set this_value to (item i of the RGB_values) div 256 if this_value is 256 then set this_value to 255 set x to item ((this_value div 16) + 1) of the hex_list set y to item (((this_value / 16 mod 1) * 16) + 1) of the hex_list set the hex_value to (the hex_value & x & y) as string end repeat return ("#" & the hex_value) as string end RBG2HTML on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to the search_string set the item_list to every text item of this_text set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to the replacement_string set this_text to the item_list as string set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to "" return this_text end replace_chars on retURLencodedStrings(aText) set aStr to current application’s NSString’s stringWithString:aText set encodedStr to aStr’s stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:(current application’s NSCharacterSet’s alphanumericCharacterSet()) return encodedStr as text end retURLencodedStrings on changeColor(aLang) if aLang = "AppleScript" then set headerCol to "0000CC" –"0000CC" –ヘッダー部分(濃い色) set bodyBackCol to "EEFFFF" –"EEFFFF" –Script本文下地(薄い色) set footerCol to "66FFFF" –"66FFFF" –スクリプトリンク部分 else if aLang = "JavaScript" then set headerCol to "804000" –"0000CC" –ヘッダー部分(濃い色) set bodyBackCol to "E2D3D3" –"EEFFFF" –Script本文下地(薄い色) set footerCol to "E7AC53" –"66FFFF" –スクリプトリンク部分 end if end changeColor on getContentsOfFile(asDoc) tell application id "com.apple.ScriptEditor2" set aCon to (properties of asDoc) end tell return contents of aCon end getContentsOfFile on getAttributeRunOfFile(asDoc) tell application id "com.apple.ScriptEditor2" set aCon to (every attribute run of asDoc) end tell return aCon end getAttributeRunOfFile on getColorOfAttributeRunOfFile(asDoc) tell application id "com.apple.ScriptEditor2" set aCon to color of (every attribute run of asDoc) end tell return aCon end getColorOfAttributeRunOfFile |