Shane StanleyのAppleScript Libraries「Myriad Tables Lib」の新バージョンv1.0.9がリリースされました。
このほか、macOS 10.14のDark Modeへの対応やドイツ語ローカライズの追加が行われました。
AppleScript名:Sample using version 1.0.9 hidden field.scpt |
use AppleScript version "2.4" use scripting additions use script "Myriad Tables Lib" version "1.0.9" set theHeads to {"First Name", "Last Name", "Index", "Police", "Score", "Some Date"} set theDate to current date set someData to {{"Saga", "Norén", 1, true, 12.0, theDate}, ¬ {"Rasmus", "Larsson", 2, true, 13.5, missing value}, ¬ {"Freddie", "Holst", 3, false, 9.0, theDate + 40000}, ¬ {"Claes", "Sandberg", 4, false, 1.23456789E+4, theDate + 50000}, ¬ {"John", "Lundqvist", 5, true, 13.4567, theDate + 30000}, ¬ {"Annika", "Melander", 6, false, 22.0, theDate + 60000}} — typical process: make table with "table dialog with data", modify if required, then display set myTable to make new table with data someData with title "Sample table" column headings theHeads with prompt "You can select multiple rows. Everything is editable. Uses a row template. The Last Name field’s values are hidden." editable columns {} row template {"", "hidden", 1, true, 1.0, current date, missing value} with multiple selections allowed, row numbering and empty selection allowed modify table myTable highlighted rows {2, 4} grid style grid both dashed between rows OK button name "Cool" set theResult to display table myTable |
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